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Write out the truth table for $ \lnot \left( \lnot P\right)$.
Hint: $\land$ is AND. $\lor$ is OR. $\lnot$ is NOT. $\Rightarrow$ is IMPLIES. $\Leftrightarrow$ is IFF. $\oplus$ is XOR.
$P$$ \lnot P$$ \lnot C_1$
$\mathsf{T}$$\class{inputBox step1}{~\bbox[border:2px solid blue]{\strut\rlap{\class{inputReplace}{r0c0}}\hspace{35px}}~}$$\class{inputBox step1}{~\bbox[border:2px solid blue]{\strut\rlap{\class{inputReplace}{r0c1}}\hspace{35px}}~}$
$\mathsf{F}$$\class{inputBox step1}{~\bbox[border:2px solid blue]{\strut\rlap{\class{inputReplace}{r1c0}}\hspace{35px}}~}$$\class{inputBox step1}{~\bbox[border:2px solid blue]{\strut\rlap{\class{inputReplace}{r1c1}}\hspace{35px}}~}$
$P$$ \lnot P$$ \lnot C_1$